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Studio Legale Curtotti is a partnership among Michele Curtotti, M. Claudia Lioia and Alessio M. Viola, all qualified as Italian Avvocati. Founded in 1993, the law firm is based in Foggia with connected offices in Rome, Milan and London.

The law firm provides legal advice in every area of Criminal Law. In addition, thanks to its wide network of specialized lawyers, Studio Legale Curtotti is able to provide legal advice and judicial representation in the following areas of expertise:

- Public and Administrative Law;
- Civil Law; - Employment Law;
- Company Law;
- Corporate and Commercial Law.


Studio Legale Associato Curtotti Lioia Viola
Sede legale: Via De Nittis, 7 - 71121 - Foggia
Tel. +39 0881 665482 - 777844 - Fax +39 0881 723901


Mediaweb - grafica - internet - pubblicità - Lucera (Fg) +39 0881 548334